Oatlands Enews – Friday 17th November 2023


This week’s Enews covers the following topics:

  • From the Course
  • Care for the Course Handout
  • Ladies Annual Dinner – Thursday 23rd November 2023
  • Oatlands Cup – Change to Conditions of Play
  • Golf Lessons – The ideal Christmas Gift for your Beloved Golfing Tragic
  • Ladies Closing Day – Christmas Spirit on Full Display
  • Junior School Holiday Clinics with Max Dakic
  • Nine, Wine & Dine – Friday 8th December 2023
  • Pennant Update
  • Upcoming Member Events:  November and December
  • Recent Trophy Event Winners
  • Upcoming Trophy Events
  • Members Only Facebook Group

From the Course

Rainfall for the Week: 8.5mm,  Rainfall for 2023: 745.5.0mm, Dam: 100%   Green Speed: 10.0 feet

New turf has been laid on the 3rd and 11th collars this week as we progress through to replace all the collars this summer season. Next week we will be turfing the 1st collar, apron, and right hand side surrounds between the bunkers, and all the 12th collar. We will be laying Sir Grange Zoysia on these two greens as a trial to compare how it performs and copes with certain things that our existing Santa Ana collars struggle with, those being wear during the winter months of the year and injury from herbicides that we spray on greens to reduce the seedhead of the poa Winter Grass plants in our putting greens.

As all members are aware, we have placed ropes and posts across the front of certain greens to encourage members to access the green from around the outside of the bunkers thus reducing the traffic workload on the pinch points between greens and bunkers. These ropes and posts will stay in place as old habits seem hard to change, with staff members having to constantly re-install these ropes and posts after being left down from players.

To reduce the incidence of injury to the collars, we are changing our maintenance practices and how we perform the application of herbicides to our greens to reduce the over spray onto the collars. Because we are applying these products with a straight or square boom spray to a circular green, inevitably over spray or under spray is going to be the result. Over spray harms the collar and under spray will increase the amount of seedhead on the greens around the perimeters. To avoid this, we will be spraying around the perimeter first and then spraying inside this with all growth regulator applications.

Another application of growth regulator to fairways and roughs has begun on the back 7 holes. Humidity levels have increased this week, and this certainly increases the growth rate of the kikuyu on our fairways and green surrounds. A peat and carbon based fertiliser has been applied to selected tees which still have visible wear areas on them from the winter. Couch turf across all Sydney golf courses has been slow to start growing this spring season due to night-time temperatures falling too low, consequently reducing soil temperatures. Mites on couch have also been a major problem on golf courses this spring, and we will be treating for this pest again next week on all tees, collars and apron playing surfaces.     

Our volunteers were on course Monday morning assisting with the picking up of the turf from the collars on the 3rd and 11th greens, poisoning of the Parramatta Grass and trimming of sprinkler heads on fairways continued, and the practice nets were checked and tidied up. A few of the regular Monday volunteers backed up on Tuesday morning and were a great help laying the new turf on the 3rd and 11th collars. Mike Cuming continues to work on the rose garden and has the roses looking as good as they ever have! Thank you to everyone that volunteered their time this past week, I very much appreciate every hour that is offered especially at this time of the year when just maintaining the course doesn’t leave much time for any extra work like we have been completing.

Greens will be cut and rolled on Saturday, with only the dew removed from them on Sunday.

Have a great weekend and happy golfing!

The Course Team.

Care for the Course Handout

While the majority of golfers take their responsibility to care for the course seriously through filling divots, repairing pitchmarks and raking bunkers, it only takes neglect by a small number of exceptions to impact everyone’s experience of our course. These small few are among competition and social golfers alike.

As a result of feedback from course staff and members, the Greens Committee has put together Course Care Handout that will be distributed to all golfers over the next month. This handout is written in English and Korean which recognises that approximately 30% of membership are of Korean heritage with English as their second language.

We trust that all members will accept this communication in the spirit in which it is meant and with the objective of continued improvement of the course we all love.

Ladies Annual Dinner – Thursday 23rd November 2023

Members are invited to the Club’s Annual Ladies Dinner on Thursday 23rd November. This event will celebrate the end of the Ladies season and another great year. At the time of writing we have 70 ladies booked to attend the evening.

The cost for the night is $80pp including a three course dinner prepared by our executive chef, Andrew Yang, with drinks also included.

To confirm your attendance, please RSVP to the Office on 9630 4444, admin@oatlandsgolf.com.au, or book via the online timesheet.

Oatlands Cup – Change to Conditions of Play

The Men’s Oatlands Cup will be played on Saturday 18th November. Prior to Covid, this event had been a Golf NSW Vardon Event, however the increase in golf participation and the Match Committee’s desire to ensure OGC members don’t miss out on a game of golf, has seen the event changed to a Club only event.

The other change that has been made to the Condition of Play for 2023, is that in the event of a tie, a playoff will take place on the next available stroke round (changed from a playoff on the day on holes 1,17 & 18). This change recognises that a players competing in the AM field wouldn’t necessarily be available for a 5pm playoff.

Good luck to all competitors in tomorrow’s Oatlands Cup which remains one of the Club’s premier Honour Board events.

Golf Lessons – The ideal Christmas Gift for your Beloved Golfing Tragic

Ladies Closing Day – Christmas Spirit on Full Display

The OGC Ladies had their Closing Day on Thursday 16th November and as usual they embraced the spirit of Christmas, with all who attended, dressing in the Christmas theme.

The winning team of the days 4-person ambrose was Michelle Kelly & Amy Kim & Debbie Jepson & Pauline Fallance with a nett score of 61.375.

A number of the Ladies minor trophies throughout the year were awarded on the day ahead of the major trophies being awarded at their Presentation Night on Thursday 23rd November.

Birdie Competition

Division 1 (+ – 22)

Division 2 (23-34)

Division 3 (35-54)



Linda Gyzen 62

Chorok Jun 7

Katrina Davidson 5


Most Reduced Handicap

Dot Gelling – ladies committee

Katrina Davidson

Point Score – 18-hole aggregate

Winner – 13 points

Jenny Park

Jenny Doherty

Melissa Adams



Gold (+ – 22)

Silver (23-35)

Bronze (36-54)


Leonie Guthrie

Sophia Shin

Kam Chee Wong

Junior School Holiday Clinics with Max Dakic

In these upcoming Summer school holidays Max Dakic will be running three Junior School Holiday Clinics.
  • Week 1 – Tuesday January 9th
  • Week 2 – Tuesday January 16th
  • Week 3 – Tuesday January 23rd
The clinics will cover all aspects of golf including Full Swing, Chipping, Putting & More! Food and beverages will be provided to the participants following the clinic.
Time – 10:00am – 1:00pm
Cost $120 Each Clinic (3 Hours)
Both Members & Guests are welcome! Bookings are to be made through the Proshop.
There are only 10 spots per clinic so get in early!






Nine, Wine & Dine – Friday 8th December 2023

It was fantastic to see so many members and guests attend our first Nine, Wine and Dine event for the season last week with a close to full timesheet and extras attending for dinner only.

The next instalment will be held on Friday 8th December and the booking sheet is now live for members to book and invite guests at no additional charge.

Competition play is optional, but for those playing the single stableford, we have prizes for the men’s and women’s winners and runner ups and a NTP. The 9-holes played will be holes 1-7, 17 & 18.

Tee times will be available from 4pm – 5:30pm with a two course modified a la carte menu after golf.

Bookings are now open, and we hope to see you there.

Pennant Update

Encourage Shield

The OGC Encourage Shield team will contest the pennant final for the second year in succession defeating Massey Park in the Semi-final on Sunday 12th November.

The final will take place on Sunday 26th November at Camden Lakeside against Camden.

At the time of writing, the start time has not been advised.

Well done to our young future stars, we are all very proud of you!

Upcoming Member Events: November and December

The Club has lots of fantastic events coming up for members and guests, and we encourage members to take part in the Club’s diverse offering.

Following the recent member survey regarding event ideas, we will be adding to the list of event types below as the year progresses, however for the time being, please see the upcoming events for October:

  • Thursday 23rd November, 6:00pm, Ladies Presentation Dinner
  • Saturday 25th November, The Bettington Restaurant
  • Wednesday 29th November, The Bettington Restaurant
  • Wednesday 6th December – Men’s Christmas Cheer Ham & Turkey Day
  • Thursday 7th December – Ladies Christmas Cheer Ham & Turkey Day
  • Friday 8th December – Nine, Wine and Dine
  • Wednesday 13th December, The Bettington Restaurant

Recent Trophy Event Winners

There were no trophy events completed in the last week.

Upcoming Trophy Events


  • Saturday 18th November – Oatlands Cup and Club Medal


  • NA

Family Membership Incentive – 50% Joining Fee Reduction for Immediate Family

The Board and Membership Committee of Oatlands Golf Club are pleased to announce a new membership initiative designed to encourage immediate family of our existing membership to join our wonderful Club.

Starting 1st July, all immediate family of an existing member in any of the Club’s playing membership categories, will be eligible for a 50% reduction to the joining fee of the respective category in which they join.

Eligibility criteria are listed below:

  • Must be in one of the following relationships with a current Playing Member of the Club.
  • Spouse including defacto*
  • Children including in-law relationships*
  • Parents including in-law relationships*
  • Siblings

* Defacto and in-law relationships require verification via a shared address on a photo ID or marriage certificate.

This is an exciting opportunity for existing members of the Club and one that we hope will continue to build the strong family and inter-generational culture that is one of the hallmarks of OGC.

For further information on this incentive or to make an application, please contact Kathy Bright via email: administration@oatlandsgolf.com.au or by phoning the Club Reception.

Members Only Facebook Group

The engagement among the membership on our Members Only Facebook group has continued to grow in recent months with posts from members and staff happening daily. 

So, if you aren’t already part of our Members Only Facebook Group, join up now and join in the fun banter.

We now have over 380 members who have joined the group and hope to see this get closer to 700 in the next 12-months.

Importantly, members are advised that this social media platform will not be used for the Club to communicate critical information, which will remain via the Enews, website and direct email however, it is a place that members and the Club can post interesting Club and golf related items to compliment this Enews.

To join the Members Only Facebook Group please click on the link below and then click on the “JOIN GROUP” button. You will be asked a few questions to verify you are a member and then approved by the group administrator shortly thereafter.



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