Oatlands Enews – Friday 6th October 2023


This week’s Enews covers the following topics:

  • Oatlands Golf Club Ltd 90th Annual General Meeting – Wednesday 11th October 2023
  • 500 Social Cards Night – Friday 13th October 2023
  • From the Course
  • Take Care of our Turtles
  • Annual Presentation Dinner – Saturday 4th November
  • September Hole in One Bonanza
  • Join Our Course Volunteer Group
  • Tiber Lee – It’s an Eagle, no an Albatross, no it’s a CONDOR
  • Captain’s Corner – Unplayable Ball in a Bunker
  • Melbourne Cup Luncheon – Tuesday 7th November 2023
  • Nine, Wine & Dine – Starts October 2023
  • Upcoming Member Events:  October 
  • Recent Trophy Event Winners
  • Upcoming Trophy Events
  • Members Only Facebook Group

Oatlands Golf Club Ltd 90th Annual General Meeting – Wednesday 11th October 2023

Members are reminded that the Club’s Annual General Meeting is to be held this coming Wednesday 11th October 2023 at 6pm.

Members were sent the Notice of Meeting and related documents via email on 19th September 2023, these are also available via the link below.


The AGM will be a hybrid in-person and online meeting. Registration for the meeting is via the Vero platform with all members emailed the registration portal on Wednesday 27th September from support@verovoting.com.au.

If you have not received this registration email, please check your junk / spam folder in your email. If you are still unable to locate the registration email, please email support@verovoting.com.au or gm@oatlandsgolf.com.au.

Please note, polling / voting on the Ordinary Resolutions listed as AGM Business is only available to members in-attendance at the AGM (either in-person or online).

Social Cards Night – Friday 13th October 2023

For all those who grew up playing cards on holidays, in camping grounds – relive the good ol’ days…

Friday 13th October 2023
Hosted by Tony Monaghan and Greg Dooley
6:30pm – 9:30pm
$20pp – Includes your choice of Chicken & Leek Pot Pie or Warm Beef Salad

Matches will be at tables of 4, with players moving on after every hand. By the end of the night, you will play ‘with and against’ everyone else, with the winner accumulating the highest number of points through all rounds.

A basic knowledge of 500 or Euchre is useful, but not essential, we can run warm-up rounds if need be – you can learn quickly.

Bookings essential via the Club website or contacting Reception.

From the Course

Rainfall for the Week: 13.0mm,  Rainfall for 2023: 694.5mm, Dam: 95%   Green Speed: 10 feet

A difficult week for the team this week battling the constant winds which make course preparation a very frustrating task with the leaf debris constantly falling and being blown around. The public holiday on Monday reduces the available hours to perform maintenance tasks, so the team have done their very best this week to present the course as best we could with all the above factors coming into play.

The blue lines on the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 13th and 14th fairways have been refreshed for the 2nd round of the Men’s Club Championships, but some of these areas have been reduced in size and don’t necessarily include the whole fairway. Please check to ensure your ball is inside the unbroken blue lines on fairways only before taking a preferred lie.

It was mentioned in a previous weekly wrap that we are going to re-turf some of the collars around the greens. This work is beginning next week with the 5th and 7th collars being the starting sites. These areas to be re-turfed have been marked out with blue dotted lines. Our volunteers are going to be involved with this work, helping with the removal of the existing collars, preparing the sub soil base, and then laying new Santa-Anna couch to complete the work. This re-turfing work will continue over the coming weeks with the 2nd, 4th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 15th and 16th collars all to have some form of re-turfing performed to them. 

It was posted on the members Facebook page that some turtles were out on the course on Wednesday afternoon, with one spotted laying eggs in the rough line on the 17th hole. Members are asked to leave any wondering turtles alone and not to try and move them to a nearby pond or waterway. They are simply out looking for a suitable place to lay their eggs. If you happen to see a turtle laying eggs or digging into the ground or a bunker, take a photo and email it to Sam (gm@oatlandsgolf.com.au), so that we can try and protect the eggs from being damaged or eaten by predators (foxes).

With Monday being a public holiday, our volunteers had the week off, except for Matt Hartland who came in on Tuesday morning and installed the fly traps around the course. A huge thanks to Matt for doing this, so now we should all be able to enjoy our game of golf without the interference of those annoying flies!

Greens will be cut and rolled on Saturday and cut only on Sunday this weekend.

Have a great weekend and happy golfing!

The Course Team.

Take Care of our Turtles

As mentioned in the course report, there have been a number of turtle sightings and nests being laid around the course recently.

These areas are ecologically sensitive and we will endeavour to protect the nests whenever they are found.

The simplest way to do this is by covering them as seen in the picture below so that golfers don’t accidently destroy the nests.

So if you see the odd plastic crate around the golf course, please leave it in its designated location and help us protect the OGC Easter Longneck turtles.

Annual Presentation Dinner – Saturday 4th November

Members and their guests are invited to the Club’s Annual Presentation Dinner on Saturday 4th November. This event will celebrate the major event winners for this years golfing programme and is held the evening of the Men’s Club Championship finals.

Each major winner will be presented with their trophy and an individual prize, whilst runners-up of major events will also receive an individual prize.

Dress for the evening is smart casual with the cost for the night, being $69pp. The evening will commence with a sumptuous three course dinner prepared by our executive chef, Andrew Yang.

To confirm your attendance, please RSVP to the Office on 9630 4444, admin@oatlandsgolf.com.au, or book via the online timesheet.

We request that bookings include individual names so that we can identify the trophy winners attending.

September Hole in One Bonanza

September (and the first day of October) produced a bonanza of perfect golf shots at Oatlands with 5 members recording aces across an 18 day timeframe.

These hole in ones are listed below and include two on our 18th hole which were captured by the camera facing the green and are available for members to watch in wonder, and perhaps a little bit of jealousy for those of us who have never achieved the allusive feat!

Name Date Played Hole Number
Alan Ross 13/09/2023 9
Ian Mullan 16/09/2023 9
Marek Teply 27/09/2023 5
Evan Gordon 30/09/2023 18
Lexi Grice 1/10/2023 18
Congratulations to these 5 members, may there be many more to come.


Join Our Course Volunteer Group

Our band of merry volunteers are looking for new recruits.

The volunteers meet every Monday morning and assist the Course Staff with various duties that are vital to the ongoing maintenance of the course.

This working group contributes an enormous amount to the Club and its members but is also a tremendous “men’s shed” activity with lots of fun and friendships formed both on the course and in the Clubhouse.

Lunch is provided after each session.

For more information, please contact Club General Manager, Sam Howe, gm@oatlandsgolf.com.au, or simply turn up on Monday mornings at 7am.



Tiber Lee – It’s an Eagle, no an Albatross, no it’s a CONDOR

For any of you that have played competition golf for any length of time, you know that a 4-pointer in stableford (a handicap Eagle) is a relatively rare feat.

Following on from that, a 5-pointer (a handicap Albatross) is a score very rarely seen or heard in competition golf.

So when long time member Tiber Lee scored 6-points on the 5th hole on Wednesday 4th October, it was the first time the author of this article had heard of the achievement in over 30 years of regular golf, so much so that it required a google search to classify the achievement.

As it turns out, 4 shots under par on a single hole (now keep in mind this would be a hole in one on a par 5 for a scratch golfer), is referred to as a Condor. So Tiber has the honour of what is likely to be the only handicap Condor in Oatlands history.

Well done Tiber, this is wonderful achievement and a true reflection of the greatness of the game of golf that allows players of all abilities and ages to compete on equal footing, though we doubt there would be many that could compete with a Condor.

Captain’s Corner – Unplayable Ball in a Bunker

When a player’s ball is in a bunker, the player may take unplayable ball relief for one penalty stroke in any of the options in Rule 19.2, except that the ball must be dropped in and come to rest in a relief area in the bunker if the player takes either back in line relief (Rule 19.2b) or lateral relief (Rule 19.2c). Under Rule 19.2a relief may be taken by way of stroke and distance relief, meaning for a one stroke penalty you can play the next stroke from where you played the previous stroke.

It should be noted that in this situation, when the ball is dropped it is in play, even though the spot where the ball comes to rest is in a worse spot than the original spot. If further relief is taken, a further one stroke penalty will apply.

Under Rule 19.3b there is an additional relief option, for a total of two penalty shots the player may take relief outside the bunker but it must be back in line relief.

Melbourne Cup Luncheon – Tuesday 7th November 2023

Members and guests are invited to enjoy the ‘Race that Stops a Nation’, the iconic Melbourne Cup at OGC with a Chef’s Buffet Luncheon on Tuesday 7th November. This is a great day to get into your finest spring carnival attire and join friends for an afternoon of excitement, camaraderie and hopefully, to pick a winner in the great race.

Bookings essential and can be made via the Club website or by phoning Reception.

Nine, Wine & Dine – Starts 27th October 2023

Members and guests are invited to join the Club for the first in our Spring / Summer series of Nine, Wine & Dine on Friday 27th October.

This new series will replace the long-running Five after Five and will see aspects of this series carry over, such as optional competition format to encourage participation by competition and social golfers alike, and guests able to be invited with no green fee payable.

The 9-holes played will be holes 1-7, 17 & 18, with those playing competition playing a 9-hole stableford and with a traditional prize of a trophy voucher and ball competition included.

Tee times will be available from 4pm – 5:30pm with a two course modified a la carte menu after golf.

Bookings are now open for the first in the month series and we hope to see you there.


Upcoming Member Events: October

The Club has lots of fantastic events coming up for members and guests, and we encourage members to take part in the Club’s diverse offering.

Following the recent member survey regarding event ideas, we will be adding to the list of event types below as the year progresses, however for the time being, please see the upcoming events for October:

  • Wednesday 11th October, Oatlands Golf Club Ltd Annual General Meeting – Registration required
  • Friday 13th October, Social Cards Night, 6:30pm – 9:30pm – Booking required
  • Saturday 14th October, The Bettington Italian Night, 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:30pm – Booking required
  • Wednesday 25th October, The Bettington, 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:30pm – Booking required
  • Saturday 28th October, New Members Cocktail Night (by Invitation: New Members, Proposer, Seconder)

Recent Trophy Event Winners

The October long weekend saw the two day Labour Day Cup played over Sunday 1st and Monday 2nd October. The 36 hole aggregate nett stableford event was won by Justin Park with score of 38,41 (79) to defeat JP Suh by 2 shots. Well done Justin!

Ladies Presidents vs Captains Day – The Ladies Presidents vs Captains Day was held on Thursday 5th October with half the field representing the President’s side and half the Captain’s side. At the end of a great days golf the two sides could not be split with trophy shared between President Michele Hannaford and Captain Paula Skelton 8.5 matches a piece. Well done ladies!


Upcoming Trophy Events


  • Saturday 7th October – Club Championship Medal Rnd 2 of 2
  • Saturday 14th October – Club Championship Matchplay Rd 1 (Plate, Middle Markers, Long Markers)
  • Sunday 15th October – Club Championship Matchplay Rd 1 (Open)
  • Saturday 21st October – Club Championship Matchplay Rd QF (Plate, Middle Markers, Long Markers)
  • Sunday 22nd October – Club Championship Matchplay Rd QF (Open)
  • Saturday 28th October – Medal
  • Saturday 28th October – Club Championship Matchplay SF (Plate, Middle Markers, Long Markers)
  • Sunday 29th October – Club Championship Matchplay SF (Open)
  • Saturday 4th November – Club Championship Matchplay Finals (All Grades)


  • Thursday 12th October – Club Championship Rd1
  • Thursday 19th October – Club Championship Rd2
  • Thursday 26th October – Club Championship Rd3

Family Membership Incentive – 50% Joining Fee Reduction for Immediate Family

The Board and Membership Committee of Oatlands Golf Club are pleased to announce a new membership initiative designed to encourage immediate family of our existing membership to join our wonderful Club.

Starting 1st July, all immediate family of an existing member in any of the Club’s playing membership categories, will be eligible for a 50% reduction to the joining fee of the respective category in which they join.

Eligibility criteria are listed below:

  • Must be in one of the following relationships with a current Playing Member of the Club.
  • Spouse including defacto*
  • Children including in-law relationships*
  • Parents including in-law relationships*
  • Siblings

* Defacto and in-law relationships require verification via a shared address on a photo ID or marriage certificate.

This is an exciting opportunity for existing members of the Club and one that we hope will continue to build the strong family and inter-generational culture that is one of the hallmarks of OGC.

For further information on this incentive or to make an application, please contact Kathy Bright via email: administration@oatlandsgolf.com.au or by phoning the Club Reception.

Members Only Facebook Group

The engagement among the membership on our Members Only Facebook group has continued to grow in recent months with posts from members and staff happening daily. 

So if you aren’t already part of our Members Only Facebook Group, join up now and join in the fun banter.

We now have over 380 members who have joined the group and hope to see this get closer to 700 in the next 12-months.

Importantly, members are advised that this social media platform will not be used for the Club to communicate critical information, that will remain via the Enews, website and direct email however, it is a place that members and the Club can post interesting Club and golf related items to compliment this Enews.

To join the Members Only Facebook Group please click on the link below and then click on the “JOIN GROUP” button. You will be asked a few questions to verify you are a member and then approved by the group administrator shortly thereafter.



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