Membership Application Personal DetailsName TitleMr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Title First Last Preferred NameDate of Birth DD slash MM slash YYYY Residential Address Street Address Address Line 2 Suburb State Post Code Is your Postal Address the same as above? Yes No Postal Address Street Address Address Line 2 Suburb State Post Code Contact DetailsHome PhoneWork PhoneMobileFaxEmail* Please be aware that a copy of your submission will be sent to this email address.Membership DetailsPlease select the desired membership option*Please select an option...7 Day6 DayLifestyleIntermediate 1 (19-23 years of age)Intermediate 2 (24-29 years of age)Intermediate 3 (30-35 years of age)Junior (10-18 years of age)Junior DevelopmentEmployment DetailsEmployer NameJob TitleHow did you hear about us?Golf DetailsHave you been or are currently a member of another golf club? Yes No Duration of past/current membership?Current HandicapGolf Link Card No.Preferred Home ClubHave you ever had an application for a membership refused? Yes No Have you ever been suspended or expelled from another club? Yes No Proposer DetailsMembership applications require a current member to Propose and Second the application. If you don't know any existing members please leave blank and the Club will contact you to discuss your options.Proposed By First Last Membership No.Current Membership TypeSeconder DetailsSeconded By First Last Membership No.Current Membership TypeIMPORTANT INFORMATIONDRIVER’S LICENCE OR PASSPORT MUST BE PRESENTED/ATTACHED FOR AGE APPLICABLE CATEGORIES There is provision to support an applicant if he or she does not know any members. IMPORTANT- TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL APPLICANTS I apply to become a Member of Oatlands Golf Club Limited and agree to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club as well as the Rules of Golf. I commit to a full Membership year and payment of subscriptions and associated fees for the category noted above or for the selected category of membership at subsequent renewals. Refer to Club By-Laws relating to Transfer of Membership. In making application for membership of the Club, I acknowledge and accept that I will be subject to the Golf Australia handicapping system and my handicap may be reviewed in the absolute discretion of the General Committee/Board on the basis of any cards returned in any competition. Golf Australia requires the information requested on this form for the purposes of GOLF Link. Your personal information will be used in accordance with the GOLF Link “activity” and to provide you with GOLF Link services. If the requested information is not provided you may not be able to obtain GOLF Link services including an official handicap. Member House Account*Please tick a box to confirm that you agree to the below statements: Yes - I would like a Member House Account and authorize funds to be direct debited from my nominated account No - I would not like a Member House Account Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY PRIVACY POLICY Oatlands Golf Club is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988. The Act contains 10 National Privacy Principles that set standards for the handling of personal information. The Club has a commitment to privacy and the safeguarding of member, visitor and staff personal information. Any personal information provided by you to the Club (e.g. name, address, date of birth and contact details), including information collected as a result of a membership card being placed in a club machine that may provide a benefit or service to you, will be protected. The Club does not usually disclose your personal information to any other organisation or person unless there is a legal requirement to do so. The Club may disclose personal information to relevant authorities if it reasonably believes that there is a threat to an individual’s life, health or safety, or public health or safety. If the Club has reason to suspect that unlawful activity has been, is being or may be engaged in, personal information may be used or disclosed as a necessary part of any investigation and reporting to relevant persons or authorities. The Club’s annual Members Programme, including the names and telephone numbers of members, is distributed to all members of the Club and selected neighbouring Clubs. If you do not want your name and telephone number included in the Members Programme then please advise the Office in writing. The Club may disclose your information for the purpose of publicising the results of our golfing competitions and to other Clubs in regard to handicaps, if required. The Club may disclose your information to third parties that provide services under contract to the Club. These contracts require the third party to keep your personal information confidential and secure. You have a right to access any personal information that the Club may hold about you, including a right of correction of your information. The Club will generally not charge a fee for you to access your personal information. If you require any further information, please contact Club Administration. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.