Oatlands Enews – Friday 7th July 2023
This week’s Enews covers the following topics:
- From the Course
- Upcoming Member Events – July and August
- Course Care – Unraked Bunkers
- Ladies Foundation Day – Club Spirit and Club Colours
- Captain’s Corner – 11th Hole
- Getting Started Programme – August 2023
- Pennant Update
- Recent Trophy Event Winners
- Upcoming Trophy Events
- Family Membership Incentive – 50% Joining Fee Reduction for Immediate Family
- Members Only Facebook Group
From the Course
Rainfall for the Week: 7.5mm, Rainfall for 2023: 557.5mm, Dam: 100% Green Speed: 10.0 feet
This week, course staff have been kept busy while a few of our team members have been enjoying some well-earned annual leave. Course set-up before each days play has been the main focus this week, as well as general course maintenance with the blowers and vacuum busy earlier in the week, tidying up leaf debris from the winds last Saturday.
The solid needle tining of the remaining greens (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, & 10th) has been completed this week without interruption to play. As mentioned last week, constant aerating of the greens with the needle tines alleviates soil compaction and leaves a cylindrical hole down through the profile, which enables moisture and air to enter the profile and reach the vital root zone for the plant to utilise. We have incorporated this monthly needle tining practice into our monthly maintenance program for the past 5 years, and this has had a positive improvement on the depth and strength of the roots systems in our putting greens. We aren’t expecting any growth or improvement of the root systems at this time of the year, but we are trying to keep them in an environment that is favourable for them to maintain their health, as opposed to a compacted soil profile stripped of oxygen and moisture which will cause the roots to shorten in length. This regular solid needle tining is non-disruptive to the putting surfaces and is an effective way to keep greens healthy and strong through periods of stress, with the course team having the process down pat now that we complete this task in a very timely manner.
Weed spraying in the 4th, 7th and 9th tee gardens has been performed this week, with fresh mulch also added to these garden beds to freshen the appearance of these areas. This work will continue in the winter months and include all the mulched areas and gardens throughout the course.
The excess sand that accumulates on the entry, exit points and tongues of bunkers has been removed this week using a hose and jet nozzle, and washing this sand back into the bunkers. This build up of sand can suffocate the turf and it is more evident at this time of year with the lack of turf growth in the Zoysia and couch surfaces.
Sam (Horticulturist) has been busy removing all the summer annuals in the garden beds in front of the clubhouse, 12th ladies tee and fountain gardens in preparation for the planting of new winter annuals. The soils in these beds have been prepared with Lobelia to be planted in the fountain beds and as a border out the front of the clubhouse, and Pansy’s and Dianthus spread throughout the remaining bed areas. These displays will look amazing in a few weeks time with the proper TLC. Sam was also assisted by George and Ray when it came to planting the annuals, with Ray coming in whilst on Annual Leave to help out!
Mike Cuming has been busy a few days a week recently helping out Sam with trimming the roses and applying some lime sulphate, preparing the soils by adding cow manure, and finally spreading lucerne mulch to retain moisture and add extra nitrogen as the lucerne breaks down over the spring and summer months.
Our wonderful Volunteers were in on Monday morning with limited numbers but still performing the following:-
- Repairing and cleaning practice nets
- Gurney work.
- Raked and picked-up leaves 2nd
- Repaired broken tee markers.
- Fairway sprinkler head trimming.
- Numerous clubhouse and proshop maintenance and repairs.
Thank you to all involved this week, it is very much appreciated by course staff and fellow members!
While at times it can be frustrating to perform work on the practice fairway due to the amount of lessons and practice by members, it is good to see that these lessons are paying dividends with the competition winners usually being seen having a lesson in the week beforehand! Max has joined Jeremy and David on the teaching team, so why not have a lesson and frustrate the Greenkeeper’s even more! Think of it as pay back for those frustrating pin positions! 😎
Greens will be cut on Saturday with only the dew being removed from them Sunday.
Have a great weekend and happy golfing!
The Course Team.
Upcoming Member Events: July and August
The Club has lots of fantastic events coming up for members and guests and we encourage members to take part in the Club’s diverse offering.
Following the recent member survey regarding event ideas, we will be adding to the list of event types below as the year progresses, however for the time being, please see the upcoming events for July and August:
- Friday 14th July, Winter Eats & Beats, from 4pm – Bookings not required
- Saturday 22nd July, Christmas in July, 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm – Booking required
- Wednesday 26th July, The Bettington, 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:30pm – Booking required
- Friday 11th August, Winter Eats & Beats, from 4pm – Bookings not required
- Saturday 19th August, The Bettington, 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:30pm – Booking required
- Wednesday 30th August, The Bettington, 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:30pm – Booking required
Course Care – Unraked Bunkers
It is frustrating for all for this to be a recurring theme in this Enews, which we would prefer to keep informative and positive, and perhaps the message isn’t getting across as it is preaching to the converted, but nonetheless, we have to draw members attention to the two photos sent in this week (by separate members on separate days) regarding course care and in-particular unraked bunkers. It is hoped that pictures will speak louder than words and illicit proactive action from anyone who would show this little respect for their course and fellow members….it is hoped!!!
Ladies Foundation Day – Club Spirit and Club Colours
The OGC Ladies held their annual Foundation Day golf and lunch on Thursday with almost 100 ladies in attendance on a spectacular day.
The theme of the day was to dress in OGC colours, with the majority embracing the theme as only OGC members can.
Well done ladies!
Captain’s Corner – 11th Hole
I am continually asked about the bare area on the 11th hole from the Oatlands House Road up to the green mesh area at the top of the fairway. The questions are normally around whether this bare area is a road or GUR.
The fact is that this is part of the General Area, and as such you must play the ball as it lies. If a player needs to take relief, because they deem the ball to be unplayable, a one stroke penalty will apply.
Another clarification is around designated gardens. Designated gardens, are deemed to be No Play Zone and are identified by Green Stakes.
Several members have raised questions about a lost ball in a garden. You cannot have a lost ball in a Designated Garden, however the Virtually Certain aspect of the Rules of Golf comes into play. If you and your marker are virtually certain (95%) that the ball has gone into a Designated Garden, but the ball cannot be found, relief may be taken, without penalty from the point where the ball has entered the No Play Zone / Designated Garden.
Colin McRae
Club Captain
Getting Started Programme – August 2023
OGC are holding another series of our popular Getting Started Programme commencing in August.
This programme is an ideal way to introduce friends and family that have not yet experienced golf to the challenging and rewarding game. Participants are taken through the basic elements including, the correct grip, chipping and putting, to the full swing and on-course play, all in a fun and relaxed atmosphere with one of our PGA Teaching Professionals.
When does it start? This programme will commence on Sunday 6th August for 8 weeks with session times from 9am – 10am or Tuesday 8th August for 8 weeks with session times from 10am – 11am. The cost of each 8 week programme is $240 which will be credited off the cost of membership if you decide to join the Club Membership at the end of the programme.
What does the programme involve? 8 week programme (8 x 60 minute sessions) that takes you through all aspects of the game. From chipping to driving from putting to bunker play you will learn it all from our resident team of Teaching Professionals.
Do I need clubs & can I bring a friend? We will lend you what you need and we encourage you to bring along as many friends as possible.
What does it cost? The cost of the “Get Started” programme is $240 for the 8 week programme.
Pennant Update
Bronze I Pennant
Our Bronze I ladies played their second match today at Bankstown GC and had a strong win against Castle Hill CC.
- Di Goss – Walkover
- Denny White – Won 3&2
- Kate Crawford – Square
- Anna Kim – Won 3up
- Pauline Fallance – Won 2up
Eric Apperly Shield
The Oatlands GC Eric Apperly Shield (21 years and under) side will play their first match on Sunday (9th July) against Concord GC at Manly GC with a start time of 8:14am.
Our team list in order of play is as follows;
- Wil Reece
- Brad Hooper
- Sam Reece
- Isabelle Myeong
- Christian Rees
- Justin Hadi
Recent Trophy Event Winners
There were no trophy events decided in the last week.
Upcoming Trophy Events
- Saturday 8th July – Winter Medal
- Sunday 9th July – Father & Son and Parent and Child Trophy
- Saturday 29th July – Legacy Cup
- Sunday 9th July – Parent & Child
- Sunday 9th July – 2Ball Handicap Matchplay Final
- Thursday 20th July – Club Medal
- Thursday 27th July – Captain’s vs President’s
- Sunday 9th July – Parent & Child
- Sunday 16th July – WS Targett Fourball Knockout Quarter-Finals
- Sunday 23rd July – WS Targett Fourball Knockout Semi-Finals
- Sunday 30th July – WS Targett Fourball Knockout Final
Family Membership Incentive – 50% Joining Fee Reduction for Immediate Family
The Board and Membership Committee of Oatlands Golf Club are pleased to announce a new membership initiative designed to encourage immediate family of our existing membership to join our wonderful Club.
Starting 1st July, all immediate family of an existing member in any of the Club’s playing membership categories, will be eligible for a 50% reduction to the joining fee of the respective category in which they join.
Eligibility criteria are listed below:
- Must be in one of the following relationships with a current Playing Member of the Club.
- Spouse including defacto*
- Children including in-law relationships*
- Parents including in-law relationships*
- Siblings
* Defacto and in-law relationships require verification via a shared address on a photo ID or marriage certificate.
This is an exciting opportunity for existing members of the Club and one that we hope will continue to build the strong family and intergenerational culture that is one of the hallmarks of OGC.
For further information on this incentive or to make an application, please contact Kathy Bright via email: administration@oatlandsgolf.com.au or by phoning the Club Reception.
Members Only Facebook Group
The engagement among the membership on our Members Only Facebook group has continued to grow in recent months with posts from members and staff happening daily.
So if you aren’t already part of our Members Only Facebook Group, join up now and join in the fun banter.
We now have over 380 members who have joined the group and hope to see this get closer to 700 in the next 12-months.
Importantly, members are advised that this social media platform will not be used for the Club to communicate critical information, that will remain via the Enews, website and direct email however, it is a place that members and the Club can post interesting Club and golf related items to compliment this Enews.
To join the Members Only Facebook Group please click on the link below and then click on the “JOIN GROUP” button. You will be asked a few questions to verify you are a member and then approved by the group administrator shortly thereafter.