Oatlands Enews – Friday 12th May 2023


This week’s Enews covers the following topics:

  • From the Course
  • Captain’s Corner: Member Responsibility – Course Maintenance
  • Barbara Koch Charity Day – A Great Success
  • The Bettington Restaurant – Saturday 20th May and Wednesday 24th May – Menu Available
  • Winter Shotgun Starts – Commence Saturday 3rd June
  • OGC Trivia Night – Is this Sydney’s Smartest Course Super?
  • David Ecob – Ladies Clinic – Thursday 19th May 2023
  • Oatlands Men’s Senior Cup and Ladies Challenge Cup and Anniversary Salver – Friday 2nd June 2023 
  • Jeremy Ward Chipping Clinic – Chip Like Cameron Smith
  • Pennant Update
  • Recent Trophy Event Winners
  • Upcoming Trophy Events
  • Members Only Facebook Group

From the Course

Rainfall for the Week: 9.0mm,  Rainfall for 2023: 522.0mm, Dam: 100%   Green Speed: 10.0 feet

As we approach the winter months, we are already starting to see a decrease in growth throughout the course, with this in mind, we are mindful of trying to manage wear in areas where we experience the most traffic. To help reduce wear areas, (which affects turf growth and coverage) we have erected rope and stakes for traffic management in some of the more sensitive areas, these include the 3rd, 6th and 18th green (see photo of 18th green below).

We strongly encourage golfers to change and mix up their walking routes when approaching greens. Walking over the putting surface is encouraged as opposed to walking on the collars. In consideration of other golfers and course care, please ensure that you reinstate any stakes if you have to move them to play a shot.

Course care is the responsibility of all who play the course. Your attention to this, assists our staff and volunteers to present the course at its best and for the enjoyment of all.

It has been a busy and productive week, with the focus being on greens, collars, and approaches. We had our first roll of the greens after renovation last Friday (5th of May) with our second on Wednesday (10th of May).

Maintenance practices such as dusting (light applications of sand to the putting surface) and fertilising have taken place, these will improve the plant health and quality of the playing surface following renovation with green speeds already close to pre-renovation.

Collars and approaches received an application of Carbon Trader, which helps aid turf throughout the dormancy period by assisting turf health and colour. This application was timed to assist with the recovery from the works conducted last week.

Final works have been completed to back right greenside and the fairway bunker on the 1st hole which will be brought back into play today (Friday 12th of May).

Our amazing volunteers had a busy Monday this week, with continuing work of pathway edging and practice net repairs and maintenance. They were also busy cleaning and trimming drainage pits, the standard bunker run before Monday Competition, and finally doing the Azalea prep work to ensure we have a truly eye catching display in the coming weeks.

As always Gentlemen, your work and dedication is greatly appreciated. A big thank you to each and every one of you!

Greens will be cut on Saturday and dew will be removed from them on Sunday.

Have a great weekend!

The Course Team


Captain’s Corner: Member Responsibility – Course Maintenance

With the temperatures dropping, and the growth on the course slowing, we are now in that period that requires extra care by ALL members.

One of the first areas that are impacted by the cooling temperatures are the collars of the greens. There is already signs of stress in the usual areas, such as the front left hand side of the 3rd, or the back right hand corner of the sixth, and the front left hand edge on the 18th, just to name a few.

Can I ask that all players avoid walking on these collars and either take your buggy onto the green or avoid the green and collars altogether. As mentioned in this weeks Course Report, some of the more sensitive collars will be roped off to manage traffic onto or further around greens.

All members also need to be aware that it takes extra time for fairway divots to regrow and green pitch marks to repair. If every player could repair one extra pitch mark and one extra divot on each hole, there would be a significant improvement on the course. Or, maybe, be more aware of the damage you occur after each shot and repair that spot.

I hope we never have to get to the stage of erecting a sign as shown adjacent.


Barbara Koch Charity Day a Great Success

Thursday 12th May, saw the Oatlands ladies host the annual Barbara Koch Charity Day, and what a great day it was! We had over 80 OGC ladies taking part, and the friendship and camaraderie, that is the cornerstone of this great Club, was as strong and evident as it has ever been.

The theme of the day was purple and pink (the colours of the charity)  and our ladies didn’t disappoint, matching the days sunshine with their brightly coloured attire.

The money raised goes to ANZGOG, the Australia New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group, and this year our ladies raised over $2,500.

A huge thank you goes to all the ladies that took part, along with everyone who donated raffle prizes and purchased tickets, and to the many volunteers who sold tickets in the week leading up to the event and also those that ensured the day ran smoothly and was enjoyed by all.

The winner of Barbara Koch Memorial Trophy was Leanne Maguire with a fine score of 41 points. 


The Bettington Restaurant – Saturday 20th May and Wednesday 24th May – Menu Available

Members and guests are invited to our a la carte Bettington Restaurant on Saturday 20th May and Wednesday 24th May 2023.

Bookings are available for 2 to 10 diners, with a two course menu for $55 or three course for $69.

Seating times are available at 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm and 7:30pm, so grab some friends and join us for another great night of food and friendship.



  • Twice baked Roquefort souffle, Nashi pear, candied walnut, chervil cream (v)
  • Seared scallops, horseradish glazed celery, white grape syrup, Beurre Blanc (gf)
  • King prawn and John dory mousseline ravioli, bouillabaisse and chive


  • Pressed pork belly, its jus, apple caramel, pomme pave, fennel and mustard (gf)
  • Angus beef fillet, duck fat potato, carrot variation, Bordelaise sauce (gf)
  • Duck leg confit, sherry molasses glazed butternut pumpkin, chestnut puree, Juniper berry jus (gf)
  • Ocean trout, polenta with pecorino, rocket pesto, radicchio, roasted onion velouté (gf)


  • Persimmon crème caramel, blood orange sorbet (gf)
  • Praline mousse, white chocolate ice cream, chocolate sable, pistachio
  • Selection of cheeses, condiments, crackers

Winter Shotgun Starts – Commence Saturday 3rd June

With winter fast approaching and the days getting shorter, members are reminded that the Club switches to morning and afternoon shotgun starts for the Saturday competition for the first two months of winter.

These shotgun starts will commence Saturday 3rd June and run through to Saturday 29th July inclusive.

The shotgun start times will be 7am / 12pm or 7:15am / 12:15pm depending on the sunrise and sunset times as the season progresses.

These shotgun starts ensure all golfers finish play before the shorter day sunlight runs out, but they also create a great atmosphere in the clubhouse after golf, with the clubhouse a buzz with tails of the days play.

OGC Trivia Night – Is this Sydney’s Smartest Course Super?

OGC held another installment of the Club’s popular trivia night, hosted by Clubhouse Manager Karah Chapman, on Friday 5th May.

The night was enjoyed by all in attendance with the winning team consisting of OGC Course Superintendent, Dom Yates, raising the question, Does OGC have Sydney’s Smartest Course Super?

A straw poll on this question has produced a resounding YES, but with the strong disclaimer that the result is based on his ability to join the winning team rather than the level of his contribution. As we all know, there is no “I” in team, but fortuitously for Dom, there was a Michelle, Steve, Jenny, Tony, Stephanie, John and Lizzie.

David Ecob – Ladies Clinic – Thursday 19th May 2023

David Ecob will be running a Ladies only chipping clinic on Friday 19th May at 1:00pm.

The clinic will run for an hour with a cost of $25 per person for a maximum of 7 ladies.

Bookings can be made via the Oatlands website by clicking on “David Ecob Lesson”.

Alternatively, you can always email David at proshop@oatlandsgolf.com.au.

Spots are limited to 7 people so get in fast!


Oatlands Men’s Senior Cup and Ladies Challenge Cup and Anniversary Salver – Friday 2nd June 2023

Oatlands will be hosting its annual Golf NSW Order of Merit events on Friday 2nd June with a 7:15am shotgun start.

The Men’s Senior Cup is open to all male golfers 50 years of age and above and with GA handicaps of 18.0 or less.

The Ladies Challenge Cup is open to all lady golfers (no age limit) with GA handicaps of 18.0 or less.

The Ladies Anniversary Salver is open to all lady golfers (no age limit) with GA handicaps of 18.1 to 30.0.

This event is open to members and visitors, with members booking via the timesheet on the Club’s website, which is now open.

Jeremy Ward Chipping Clinic – Chip Like Cameron Smith

Do you want to learn how to chip like Cameron Smith???

Head Professional Jeremy Ward has spent a lot of time with Grant Field (long time coach of Cameron Smith) learning the art of chipping.

And now it’s time to pass this information onto the members of Oatlands.

Jeremy is holding a Chipping Clinic on Friday 26th May at 10:00am. The clinic will run for 1.5 hours at a cost of $50 per person.

Bookings can be made via the Oatlands website by clicking on “Jeremy Ward Lesson”.

Alternatively, you can always email Jeremy at golfoperations@oatlandsgolf.com.au.

Spots are limited to 8 people, so get in fast!

Pennant Update

Ladies Silver Shield


The Silver Shield team travelled to Bayview today (Friday 12th May) to take on Elanora with our ladies recording another win 3&2 to continue their strong start to the competition.



Men’s Interclub

Our Men’s Interclub side opened the season last Sunday with a win over St. Michaels at Cromer.

The side have a week off this week to look after their Mum’s on Mother’s Day and will play their next match on Sunday 21st May at St. Michael’s against Elanora.



Master Pennant

The 2023 Master Pennant competition commences on Sunday 14th May with OGC playing host to Springwood. This years Master Pennant sees a changing of the guard of sorts, with a new Team Manager Rod Butcher, and a number of new faces in the squad including two of our female members in Linda Gyzen and Amy Kim. 

Golf NSW has recently opened up many of their traditionally gender based pennant competitions to both men and women in a great move for the progressive future of golf, and OGC is thrilled to have two women make the Club’s Master Pennant squad for the first time, and to represent OGC which has long been a progressive Club in this space.

Good luck to our Master Pennant squad for the 2023 season ahead!

Recent Trophy Event Winners


It was a tricky day on the golf course with wet conditions underfoot and the beginning of the cold snap hitting Sydney.

The final was well contested and played in the usual Oatlands spirit with Soreen Ferm winning the 3&2.

Well done to Soreen and all ladies who entered the event.

This event, along with the upcoming Ladies 2Ball Knockout Matchplay Trophy, have been instigated this year as the Club look at ways of providing our ever increasing female membership that play primarily on the weekend, the opportunity for more trophy events.

Upcoming Trophy Events


  • Saturday 13th May – Club Medal
  • Wednesday 17th May – Midweek Club Championship Rnd 2
  • Saturday 20th May – Mens Foursomes Championships 36 holes
  • Saturday 27th May – Doug Spurway Memorial Trophy


  • Thursday 18th May – Ladies Foursomes Championships Rnd 1
  • Thursday 25th May – Ladies Foursomes Championships Rnd 2
  • Monday 29th May – Dorothy Besemer’s Trophy

Members Only Facebook Group

The engagement among the membership on our Members Only Facebook group has continued to grow in recent months with posts from members and staff happening daily. 

So if you aren’t already part of our Members Only Facebook Group, join up now and join in the fun banter.

We now have over 370 members who have joined the group and hope to see this get closer to 700 in the next 12-months.

Importantly, members are advised that this social media platform will not be used for the Club to communicate critical information, that will remain via the Enews, website and direct email however, it is a place that members and the Club can post interesting Club and golf related items to compliment this Enews.

To join the Members Only Facebook Group please click on the link below and then click on the “JOIN GROUP” button. You will be asked a few questions to verify you are a member and then approved by the group administrator shortly thereafter.





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