Oatlands Enews – Friday 15th July 2022
This week’s Enews covers the following topics:
- Bettington Restaurant – Wednesday 27th July – Menu Confirmed
- From the Course
- Divots Washed Out by Recent Rain – WE NEED YOUR HELP!
- Join Our Members Only Facebook Group
- Ladies Volunteer Gardening – Tuesday 19th July at 10am
- Pennant Update
- Upcoming Trophy Events
- Recent Trophy Winners
- Upcoming Club Events
Bettington Restaurant – Wednesday 27th July – Menu Confirmed
The menu for the Bettington Restaurant night on Wednesday 27th July has been confirmed and is available below.
These nights are available to members and guests with bookings via the Club website or by contacting Reception.
On arrival
Salt and pepper Tofu
King oyster scallops, kombu, ponzu jelly, cauliflower purée and turnips (gf,v)
Aged duck breast, hoisin sauce, compressed cucumber, and duck fat potato (gf)
Ocean trout gravlax, caviar, sour cream, polenta crisp and chive (gf)
Dukkha Lamb cutlets, Stilton cheese, burnt leek, beetroot, and chicory sauce (gf)
Blade of Wagyu, marrow, mushroom, potato, black onion, and sabayon (gf)
Local pink snapper, squid, prosciutto, beans, turnips, and curried coconut (gf)
Orange custard flan, minted fruit salad (gf)
Blue cheese mousse, pear, walnuts, and honeycomb ice cream (gf)
Chocolate brownie, vanilla ice cream, pop corn and salted caramel
From the Course
Rainfall for the Week: 37.5mm, Rainfall for 2022: 1,616.0 Dam: 100% Green Speed: Closed
Members who were fortunate enough to play last Saturday would have seen how soft and wet particular greens were after the course received around 270mm of rain the previous week. The 37.5mm that fell last weekend further increased these very wet playing conditions, and unfortunately forced the course to close this week. To provide some relief to our green surfaces, the team has verti-drained all greens this week with a small hollow tine to reduce surface and soil compaction, and improve infiltration rates. Removing a small core will also remove dead and decaying material from the soil profile, and leave a small tunnel for air movement into the soil profile which will be beneficial for the plants root system overall health. Very little surface disruption results from this process, but all greens were rolled to ensure putting surfaces remain smooth and true. Greens will only be cut twice this week (Friday & Saturday), so green speeds will be reduced slightly from their normal speeds.
Herbicide applications were continued this week to control Wintergrass in our couch collars, aprons, tees and surrounds. The cold/wet conditions are ideal growing conditions for this weed to germinate and flourish. The ideal control method is applying a pre-emergent herbicide before the seeds germinate, but this has been very difficult to schedule this year with the amount of rainfall we have received. This herbicide requires watering in following the application to create a barrier in the soil profile to stop the germination process. We could have taken advantage of the rainfall to water the product in, but the high amounts the course has received would have simply washed the product away or reduced the products efficacy, wasting money and labour. We are controlling the weeds with a post-emergent herbicide strategy, which is a labour intensive process, as extra care has to be taken when spraying around or near the greens as these products are also harmful to our greens which have a high population of Wintergrass in them. This week presented a great opportunity for the staff to continue this spraying with the course being closed, as the product can be tracked onto greens surfaces by foot traffic and wheels on buggies.
Repair work on greens continued this week with the team down on the 12th repairing some small areas affected by machinery, shade and excessive moisture. Turf strips have been transplanted from the nursery and carefully laid, and this will help improve the playing surface and aesthetics of the area.
Bunkers that were repaired last week performed well and only required minimal work on Wednesday morning. We repair our bunkers by firstly blowing out the debris from the previous days wind and scraping up any silt that may have been washed into the bunker. Bunker faces are then pushed up and smoothed out for a “broomed” finish and then raked by hand.
Mulching of tee gardens and other areas has continued with the large area between the 13th and 17th holes being completed. The mulching program keeps the team busy and warm throughout the winter months, as well as improving the aesthetics of all the mulch areas around the property.
As a result of the recent wet weather and low light conditions, areas of fairways are looking thin and worn particularly on the 1st, 3rd and 7th. Filling extra divots with sand during your rounds would be much appreciated.
Our Volunteers had Monday off this week due to course closure and wet weather, your efforts as always were missed again this week and the course team look forward to your return when the weather permits.
Enjoy the weekend and we all have our fingers crossed that the sun will keep shining for a while.
The Course Team.
Divots Washed Out by Recent Rain – WE NEED YOUR HELP!
The volume of rainfall over recent weeks has had the unfortunate effect of washing out all divots that have been diligently filled by golfers.
As such, we are calling on all members to please spend additional time on each hole emptying your sand bucket into unfilled divots. Filling these divots back to the level of the surrounding turf allows that surrounding turf to grow over the divot.
This extreme weather event at the beginning of winter has the potential to have a lasting impact on the condition of the golf course and every little bit of additional assistance in repairing the damage will shorten the recovery time.
Members are encouraged to keep your bucket in your hands while walking the fairways between shots and empty it on every hole. If we all do this, the course will be given it’s best chance to overcome the rain damage and this will allow our course staff and volunteers to focus on bigger items requiring attention.
We thank you in advance for your assistance.
Col McRae
Club Captain
Join Our Members Only Closed Facebook Group
The Club’s members only Facebook Group is a fantastic way for members and staff to engage with each other.
We now have almost 300 members who have joined the group and we would love to see that grow to include all of our members.
Importantly, members are advised that this social media platform will not be used for the Club to communicate critical information, that will remain via the Enews, website and direct email however, it is a place that members and the Club can post interesting Club and golf related items to compliment this Enews.
To join the Members Only Facebook Group please click on the link below and then click on the “JOIN GROUP” button. You will be asked a few questions to verify you are a member and then approved by the group administrator shortly thereafter.
Ladies Volunteer Gardening – Tuesday 19th July
Our Lady Members are encouraged to join our band of enthusiastic gardening volunteers on Tuesday 19th July from 10am followed by lunch provided by the Club.
For those interested in assisting, a sign up sheet is located in the Ladies Locker Room or you can email the Ladies Committee on ladies@oatlandsgolf.com.au
We recommend you bring your own gardening gloves, if you have them, as these can be in short supply subject to the number of volunteers who attend.
Pennant Update
Eric Apperly Shield
The 2022 Eric Apperly Shield (under 22years) Pennant commences this Sunday with the OGC team taking on Stonecutters Ridge at Concord Golf Club.
In a great sign of the strength of our junior programme, Oatlands is fielding a strong and young side that should be together for a number of years to come.
The team for this Sunday is as follows:
- Wil Reece
- Sam Recce
- Eddie Kong
- Jia You
- Isabelle Myeong
- Rylan Prasad
Team Manager: Jeremy Ward
Tee time for Sunday is 11:56am and we wish the side the best of luck for the weekend and the season ahead.
Upcoming Trophy Events
- Sat 16th July – NB Charlton M/Play SF
- Sat 23rd July – NB Charlton M/Play Final
- Sat 23rd July – Legacy Cup
- Sat 30th July – Foursomes Championships
- Sat 6th Aug – Presidents Cup
- Sat 13th Aug – HP Evans Qualifying
- Mon 15th Aug – Wed 17th Aug – Course Renovations (Closed)
- Friday 26th Aug – Oatlands PGA Scramble
- Sat 27th Aug – HP Evans M/Play Rd1
- Sun 18th September – WE Tunks Father & Son / Parent & Child
July 2022
- Thursday 21st July – Red Course – Foursomes R1
- Thursday 28th July – Yellow Course – Shotgun 2BBB, Captain v President
August 2022
- Monday 1st August – Yellow Course – Shotgun 4 BBB Stableford, Pennant Hills Interclub
- Thursday 4th August – Red Course – Medal 6, GNWS 5, Vet 5
- Friday 5th August – Concord Interclub (At Concord)
- Thursday 11th August – Yellow Course – Stableford, Grace Norris Trophy, OLGA 6
- Mon 15th Aug – Wed 17th Aug – Course Renovations (Closed)
- Thursday 18th August – Yellow Course – Shotgun Ambrose
- Thursday 25th August – Red Course – Medal 7, GNWS 6, Vet 6, Captain Cup Q
- Friday 26th Aug – Oatlands PGA Scramble
September 2022
- Monday 26th September – Shotgun 2BBB Stableford, Muirfield Interclub
- Sun 24th July – WS Targett Mixed Fourball KO Qualifying
- Sun 31st July – WS Targett QF
- Sun 7th Aug – Mixed Foursomes Championships
- Sun 14th Aug – WS Targett SF
- Mon 15th Aug – Wed 17th Aug – Course Renovations (Closed)
- Friday 26th Aug – Oatlands PGA Scramble
- Sun 28th Aug – WS Targett Final
Recent Trophy Winners
The Men’s Winter Medal was played on Saturday 9th July with Stephen Pratt winning the Medal with a score of 41 points (event changed to stableford due to weather conditions). Well done Stephen!