Oatlands Enews – Friday 4th February 2022


This week’s Enews covers the following topics:

  • From the Course
  • Member Vote on the Requisitioned Special Resolution
  • Volunteers Golf Day – Monday 31st January 2022
  • Pennant Update
  • New Daily Bar Menu
  • Sandwich Hut to Close on Tuesday’s
  • Clubhouse Operating Hours
  • Indoor Mask Rule and QR Code Check-in Extended
  • Upcoming Trophy Events
  • Upcoming Clubhouse Events

From the Course

Rainfall for the Week: 20.0mm,  Rainfall for 2022: 170.0mm   Dam: 100%   Green Speed: 10 feet

Work on the bunker rejuvenation program continued this week with the bunker on the 8th finished and the back right bunker on the 16th also completed. Both bunkers will have the sand compacted in them by wheel rolling with one of our runabout vehicles and by the plate compactor. This process of compacting the sand takes around 2 weeks until the sand is ready for play. Ideally some good rainfall will help this process, so fingers crossed, the predicted weather over the next few days comes through. The program continues next week when we start work on the back left bunker on the 16th.

All greens have now been needle tined with 12 greens completed throughout this week to finish this process. The needle tyning allows moisture and air to move into and through the soil profile whilst also relieving compacted soils after a busy month of rolling the greens for Club Championshps. We have this process perfected now and very little disruption to surfaces or play results but provides great benefit to our greens.

Herbicide treatment around the 14th, 17th and 18th greens has been performed this week, so some yellowing of kikuyu weeds in our couch surfaces will be observed over the coming week. This is an ongoing challenge for the course team and isn’t just a one application solution. We also need to be very selective where we use certain herbicides so that they don’t cause damage or death to our greens by washing down slopes from green surrounds after irrigation or rainfall.

Aquatic weeds have been manually removed from the 9th pond this week. Elinor has spent the best part of the week weeding the gardens at the 9th tee, which got away from her over the Christmas and New Year period and her COVID isolation.

Our volunteers had their Annual Golf Day on Monday and much fun and enjoyment was had by all. This day was attended by our regular Monday volunteers as well as Rod Ruston who helps the proshop staff every Saturday and Wednesday morning setting up the carts, Mike Shepherd and Paul Day who assist the Club in their areas of professional expertise, John Bowring who assists with rules officiating during major club events, Ralph Cadman who assists with any bee removals from the course, and Merv Trevaskis who is a retired Monday volunteer. Thank you gentlemen and I hope you all enjoyed the golf and lunch!

This weekend, greens will be cut on Saturday, then cut and rolled on Sunday.

Enjoy the Weekend!

The Course Team.



Member Vote on the Requisitioned Special Resolution

The Oatlands Golf Club Board of Directors would like to thank all the members who voted on the Member Requisitioned Special Resolution over the past fortnight.  In total 445 members cast their vote, which is an amazing voter participation.  


At the conclusion of voting, the Special Resolution was defeated, with 44.7% (199) of votes supporting the resolution which required a 75% majority to pass. 


As a result, the Club will continue to deal with core property as required by the Registered Clubs Act, which is the appropriate governance standard, and in line with our Constitution. 


The Board would also like to take this opportunity to thank all members for their feedback provided during this process.  The Board has learned from this feedback and will endeavour to supply more information surrounding decisions facing the membership. 


Yours Sincerely 

George Isaac 

Club President

Volunteers Golf Day – Monday 31st January 2022

The annual Volunteers Golf Day took place on Monday 31st January with a group of 24 volunteers taking part in a 4 person ambrose followed by lunch.

The camaraderie and friendly banter that is ever present during the weekly Monday volunteer working group was again on display among this group of members and friends.

The day went to plan and was thoroughly enjoyed by all, right up to the point that chief organiser of the volunteers, David Gaffaney, was awarded first prize for the day. One can only speculate that his peer volunteers felt that it was in their own best interest to let David’s team win in the interest of avoiding his wrath when job allocation was being assigned over the next few Monday’s.

Special thanks goes to Col Davis for creating a fantastic perpetual trophy for the day which has now been mounted in the clubhouse alcove where the volunteers normally congregate for lunch each Monday.


Pennant Update

With the disruption of 2021 behind us, we are all hoping for a more predictable Pennant season in 2022.

Last weekend, saw the commencement of both Men’s Major Pennant and Mixed Pennant, with Mixed Pennant defending their 2021 Pennant win, and Major Pennant looking for an improved performance following survival from a relegation battle in 2021.

Major Pennant 

Welcome back to the first write up for the start of the Major pennant season for Oatlands GC.

We are still in Division 2 and have drawn some good opposition in Cromer, Long Reef & North Ryde.

We had our first game against Cromer away last Sunday. It was a hot & humid morning for golf but nevertheless the golf was great to watch!

Unfortunately, we came away with a loss of 6-1 but every game was so close. Great win by Grant Lomas in his game!

All matches went to the last few holes, however, ultimately got us on their greens, and boy are their greens tricky with crazy pin positions.

We are back at home this weekend, and it will be a similar situation for them as we all know Oatlands greens can equally be a huge defence & challenge. So, the Oatlands team local knowledge will make it a great morning of golf against a quality opposition.

It was also a great turnout by the caddies last Sunday who do an awesome job assisting the boys through the round…Thank you so much for giving up your time Caddies!

And a thank you to Jeremy in the Pro-shop for putting on some great clinics leading up to the start of the competition for 2022.

Bring on Sunday morning for some great golf! We tee off at 7am & it would be great to see the members there giving their usual awesome support.

The team for Sunday will be:

  1. Brad Hooper
  2. Charlie Kim
  3. Nathan Wareham
  4. Luke Mason (C)
  5. Rowan Easterbrook
  6. Grant Lomas
  7. Will Reece
  8. Sam Reece (Reserve)

Thanking you!

Ken Doolan
Team Manager

Mixed Pennant

Our Mixed Pennant team started the 2022 season with a home match against Kogarah last Sunday. It was a close match played in good spirit with competitive matches. Oatlands won the day 3/2.


  • Tony Monaghan & Debbie Jepson – Lost 3/1
  • Christian O’Reilly & Amy Kim – Won 4/3
  • Lindsay Macinnes & Justa Kim – Lost 4/3
  • Ben Mees & Leonie Guthrie – Won 7/5
  • Pete Crawford & Stephanie Monaghan – Won 3/2
  • Chris Garland & Linda Bestford – Won 1 Up

Next match: This Sunday 6/2 at 10:30am at Balgowlah with the same team.

New Daily Bar Menu

Chef Andrew Yang has recently updated the Club’s daily blackboard menu.

This new menu is available for lunch at the Clubhouse 7 days a week.

We hope members and their guests will enjoy the new menu in the safety and comfort of their Club.

Sandwich Hut to Close on Tuesday’s

With the increase in golf participation as a result of Covid-19, the Club expanded the Sandwich Hut offering to include Tuesday’s and Sunday’s in mid-2021.

Unfortunately, since coming out of the 2021 Covid-19 lockdown, while we are still seeing high levels of golf participation, the hospitality industry in general is seeing a reduction in trade due to Covid-19 hesitancy, along with staff shortages as a result of positive Covid-19 cases and isolation requirements.

As a result of this, the Club will not be opening the Sandwich Hut on Tuesday’s until further notice. The Daily Bar Menu, as listed in the previous Enews article, will continue to be available 7 days a week including Tuesday’s.

Clubhouse Operating Hours

Members are advised of the following Clubhouse operating hours. These are unchanged, however, given the disruption of the last 2 years it seemed appropriate to publish them in the hope we get a run of normal operation:

  • Monday: 11-6pm
  • Tuesday: 11-6pm (Happy hour 3-5pm)
  • Wednesday: 10-6:30pm
  • Thursday: 11-6pm
  • Friday 10-6:30pm (Happy hour 4-6)
  • Saturday: 10-6:30pm
  • Sunday: 10-6pm

Note: These are also the operating times for Clubhouse Locker Rooms which are locked by Clubhouse staff when closing.


Indoor Mask Rule and QR Code Check-in Extended

The NSW Government recently extended the current Public Health Orders in place in relation to mandatory wearing of masks in indoor settings and compulsory QR code check-in for hospitality venues.

Members are reminded that they must wear a mask when indoors at the Club at all times except when eating or drinking. This includes placing orders at the bar or sandwich hut.

Your co-operation with this is greatly appreciated.

Upcoming Trophy Events


  • Saturday 5th February: AC Berk Cup Rnd 1 – Individual Stroke, 36 holes, Black Tees
  • Saturday 12th February: AC Berk Cup Rnd 2 – Individual Stroke, 36 holes, Black Tees
  • Saturday 19th February: Captain’s Cup – Individual Stableford, 18 Holes, Black Tees
  • Saturday 5th March: Autumn Medal – Individual Stroke, 18 Holes, Black Tees


  • Thursday 10th February President’s Cup Rnd 1 Matchplay 
  • Thursday 17th February President’s Cup Quarter-final Matchplay
  • Thursday 24th February President’s Cup Semi-final Matchplay
  • Thursday 3rd March President’s Cup Final Matchplay

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