Oatlands Enews – Friday 28th January 2022
This week’s Enews covers the following topics:
- Board Recommendation – To Vote AGAINST the Special Resolution
- Ladies Opening Day
- From the Course
- Course Care – A note from a Member
- Board Recommendation – To Vote AGAINST the Special Resolution
- 2021 Men’s Club Champions
- Clubhouse Operating Hours
- Beer Price Increase – As of 1st February 2022
- Indoor Mask Rule and QR Code Check-in Extended
- Upcoming Trophy Events
- Paul Madden Hole in One – Monday 24th January 2022
- Members Only Facebook Group
- OGC Paint & Sip – Sunday 20th February
Board Recommendation – To Vote AGAINST the Special Resolution
A General Meeting of Oatlands Golf Club Limited will be held on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 at 6:00pm. This meeting was requisitioned by Tony Steele and Phil Yang, along with 63 other OGC members, who are proposing significant changes to the Club’s Constitution. Some members of this group have sent communications directly to selected members regarding this meeting and the proposed special resolution.
The Board is strongly of the view that the proposed Constitutional changes are NOT in the best interests, short-term or long-term, of the Club and its members.
It is important to note that:
- This meeting and vote are NOT about the proposed clubhouse development. That will be the subject of a separate meeting, currently expected to be scheduled between Wednesday 23rd February – Wednesday 9th March 2022.
- This meeting and the proposed Special Resolution seek to make significant changes to the Club’s Constitution.
- There is only one Special Resolution you are being asked to vote on, but it covers several changes to our Constitution. It is important to understand the result of the proposed changes (as covered in the link below);
Click here for a Board explanation of the proposed changes
Voting Arrangements
Members can continue to use the online portal to vote. The voting portal was opened to all voting members on 19th January, for member’s safety and convenience, in line with Covid-19 health best practice and in accordance with Corporations Act and Registered Clubs Act provisions.
It is very important that all voting members have a say on these proposed changes to the Club’s Constitution. If you are still intending to vote, you can do so via the online portal at any stage, including during the meeting.
As capacity is limited under NSW Public Health Orders, all members intending to attend the General Meeting in-person are required to register your attendance via the online booking sheet on the Clubs website (listed on Wednesday 2nd February 2022).
Members may also attend this meeting online. Online / virtual attendance at the meeting requires registration via the Zoom meeting link below;
All voting will take place through the online portal. Eligible members wishing to vote at the Club during the General Meeting of Oatlands Golf Limited at 6pm on Wednesday 2nd February 2022, may do so via their own smartphone or tablet, along with the kiosk terminals provided by the Club.
All voting members have been sent a voting email with their unique login details. If you have not received the details of the voting portal (sent directly from Vero Voting) they have likely gone to your junk / spam.
If you can’t locate the voting detail in your junk / spam folder, please contact Vero Voting support on 1300 702 898 or support@verovoting.com.au and they will provide you with your unique voting login details.
Yours Sincerely
George Isaac
Club President
On Behalf of the Board of Directors of Oatlands Golf Club
Ladies Opening Day
The official start of the Ladies 2022 Golf Programme took place on Thursday 27th January with over 80 ladies taking part in the shotgun start, Single and 2Ball Aggregate Stableford event, followed by presentation.
The ladies were greeted with a warm and clear day, which resulted in a wonderful day of friendship and camaraderie to start the 2022 season.
Congratulations to the day’s winners;
Singles Div 1: Jenny Doherty 38pts
Singles Div 2: Rosemary Jones 39pts
Singles Div 3: Mary Lantry 37pys
2Ball Agg: Mary Lantry & Barbara Beasley 74pts
The ladies also kicked of their charity fundraising for the year with a successful raffle and we thank all those that donated prizes and purchased tickets.
From the Course
Rainfall for the Week: 5.0mm, Rainfall for 2022: 150.0mm Dam: 100% Green Speed: 10 feet
The team has finished the lining of the right hand side bunker at the 8th this week, with sand being added on Friday. Having finished this bunker earlier than expected on Monday, the lining work on the back right bunker on the 16th was started, with the bidim cloth, drainage and shade cloth all installed. Work will continue on this bunker next week and once finished we will then move across to the back left bunker.
Greens were scarified again this week to remove excess mat and thatch from the putting surfaces, and to thin the coverage of the putting surface. This is an unusual practice for this time of year, as usually we are doing all we can to get through the final weeks of summer without losing any turf. Moisture management in the soil profile is the focus at this late stage of the summer season with the high humidity an ideal environment for disease development. Our fungicide program remains strong to keep harmful disease populations under control. We are also in the process of needle tyning greens, with 6 greens completed so far, and the remainder to be completed over the course of next week.
Our recent applications of growth regulator to all playing surfaces did discolour the turf, but this is a common reaction after applying these herbicides. The colour has returned to our surfaces this week and our fairways are in great condition, loving the humid weather conditions.
Weeds in garden beds and mulched areas are being sprayed this week, and all sprinkler heads on greens and tees have been trimmed and tidied up.
Our volunteers were on course Monday morning, performing a bunker run before the competition, blowing fairways, vacuuming debris, trimming valve boxes on fairways, cleaning the rail along the 5th pathway, checking the practice nets and clubhouse maintenance. Thank you gentlemen for all your efforts once again.
This weekend greens will be cut and rolled on Saturday and cut on Sunday.
Enjoy the Weekend!
The Course Team.
Course Care – A note from a Member
A concerned member posted the adjacent post on our Members Only Facebook page earlier this week highlighting the lack of Course Care on our greens.
This comes on shortly on the back of the image below being taken on the practice range a few days earlier by Course Staff.
Oatlands Club is a private club. Non-member access (invited guests, corporate / charity day guests, and Tiger Tee Challenge guests) accounted for less than 5% of rounds played at OGC in 2021.
As such, it is incumbent upon all members to repair the damage they do to the golf course in the normal course play, and where time allows, try and fix and additional pitch mark or divot on each hole.
2021 Men’s Club Champions
The 2021 Men’s Club Championship finals were contested on Saturday 22nd January, with champions across all four grades crowned after a Covid postponed championship.
Congratulations to the following finalists and winners;
Club Championship – Bradley Hooper defeated Luke Mason 4&2
The Plate Championship – Kane Milne defeated Jack Chang
Middle Markers Championship – Eugene Conlon defeated Jack Chun
Long Markers Championship – Christian Rees defeated Rob Bechara
Clubhouse Operating Hours
Members are advised of the following Clubhouse operating hours. These are unchanged, however, given the disruption of the last 2 years it seemed appropriate to publish them in the hope we get a run of normal operation;
- Monday: 11-6pm
- Tuesday: 11-6pm (Happy hour 3-5pm)
- Wednesday: 10-6:30pm
- Thursday: 11-6pm
- Friday 10-6:30pm (Happy hour 4-6)
- Saturday: 10-6:30pm
- Sunday: 10-6pm
Note: These are also the operating times for Clubhouse Locker Rooms which are locked by Clubhouse staff when closing.
Bar Price Increase – As of 1st of February 2022
Members are advised that there will be a small increase to tap and bottle beer from the 1st of February in line with supplier increases.
These increases will see the price of a schooner of beer rise by 10 to 20 cents.
Indoor Mask Rule and QR Code Check-in Extended
The NSW Government recently extended the current Public Health Orders in place in relation to mandatory wearing of masks in indoor settings and compulsory QR code check-in for hospitality venues.
Members are reminded that they must wear a mask when indoors at the Club at all times except when eating or drinking. This includes placing orders at the bar or sandwich hut.
Your co-operation with this is greatly appreciated.
Upcoming Trophy Events
- Saturday 28th January: AM Stanton Cup – Individual Stableford, 18 holes, Black Tees
- Saturday 5th February: AC Berk Cup Rnd 1 – Individual Stroke, 36 holes, Black Tees
- Saturday 12th February: AC Berk Cup Rnd 2 – Individual Stroke, 36 holes, Black Tees
- Saturday 19th February: Captain’s Cup – Individual Stableford, 18 Holes, Black Tees
- Saturday 5th March: Autumn Medal – Individual Stroke, 18 Holes, Black Tees
- Thursday 3rd February – President’s Cup Qualifying – Individual Par, 18 Holes, Red Tees (number of qualifiers will be subject to number of starters > 50 = 16 qualifiers / < 50 = 8 qualifiers)
- Thursday 10th February President’s Cup Rnd 1 Matchplay
- Thursday 17th February President’s Cup Quarter-final Matchplay
- Thursday 24th February President’s Cup Semi-final Matchplay
- Thursday 3rd March President’s Cup Final Matchplay
Paul Madden Hole in One – Monday 24th January 2022
OGC member Paul Madden has recorded a hole in on the 19th hole on Monday 24th January 2022.
Paul hit a 7 iron to record his perfect shot.
Well done, Paul.
Members Only Facebook Group
The Club’s Members Only Facebook Group has been in operation for almost 7 months and has 233 OGC members that have joined.
This social media platform allows members to engage with each other and with the Club, in addition to the traditional communication channels already in place.
To join the Members Only Facebook Group please click on the link below and the click on the “JOIN GROUP” button. You will be asked a few questions to verify you are a member and then approved by the group administrator shortly thereafter.
OGC Paint & Sip – Sunday 20th February
Join us for an afternoon paint and sip session
$75 ticket includes 2 hours of painting, grazing board and a drink on arrival
Book on the booking sheet or by calling reception