Oatlands Enews – Friday 21st January 2022
This week’s Enews covers the following topics:
- 2021 Mens Club Championship Finals – Saturday 22nd January 2022
- Board Recommendation – To Vote AGAINST the Special Resolution
- From the Course
- Covid-19 Update
- Clarification of the Rules of Golf updated 2019
- Members Only Facebook Group
- OGC Paint & Sip – Sunday 20th February
2021 Men’s Club Championship Finals – Saturday 22nd January 2022
Just like like the 2020 Tokyo Olympics being held in 2021, OGC wasn’t going to let a little thing like a pandemic ruin our premier men’s trophy event, and after much delay, we are extremely excited for the four championship finals taking place tomorrow, Saturday 22nd January.
And what a great mix of finalists we have competing across the 4 grades, with a diverse mix of youth and experience, new and long-standing members, cultural backgrounds, and even the important battle of “coached by” among our PGA professionals eager for bragging rights.
The schedule of matches is outlined below and members are encouraged to get along to the Club and follow the finalists in their pursuit of Championshiop glory. The finals will be followed by a trophy presentation and complimentary drinks for all players, caddies, referees, and spectators.
Club Championshiop Final (36 Holes Match) commencing at 10:00am – Bradley Hooper vs Luke Mason
Plate Championship Final (18 Holes Match) commencing at 2:00pm – Kane Milne vs Jack Chang
Middle Markers Championship Final (18 Holes Match) commencing at 2:10pm – Jack Chun vs Eugene Conlon
Long Markers Championship Final (18 Holes Match) commencing at 2:20pm – Rob Bechara vs Christian Rees
Club Championshiop Final (2nd Round) commencing at 2:30pm – Bradley Hooper vs Luke Mason
This promises to be a great day of finals, ,and a great spectacle for the Clubs members, so we hope you will join in as this premier men’s event draws to a close and our 2021 champions are crowned.
Board Recommendation – To Vote AGAINST the Special Resolution
A General Meeting of Oatlands Golf Club Limited will be held on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 at 6:00pm. This meeting was requisitioned by Tony Steele and Phil Yang, along with 63 other OGC members, who are proposing significant changes to the Club’s Constitution. Some members of this group have sent communications directly to selected members regarding this meeting and the proposed special resolution.
The Board unanimously recommend that
you vote AGAINST the Special Resolution.
The Board is strongly of the view that the proposed Constitutional changes are NOT in the best interests, short-term or long-term, of the Club and its members.
It is important to note that:
- This meeting and vote is NOT about the proposed clubhouse development. That will be the subject of a separate meeting, currently expected to be scheduled for Wednesday 23rd February 2022.
- This meeting and the proposed Special Resolution seek to make significant changes to the Club’s Constitution.
- There is only one Special Resolution you are being asked to vote on, but it covers several changes to our Constitution. It is important to understand the result of the proposed changes.
The key effect of changes to the Constitution if the proposed Special Resolution is passed include:
- The proposed Special Resolution seeks to insert into our Constitution a definition on how the Club should deal with core property. This change if passed would result in any vote on core property requiring a Special Resolution of a majority of 75% of members voting in favour to pass. Our Constitution currently does not specifically deal with core property, so Section 41E of the Registered Clubs Act applies, which requires that a vote on core property must receive a majority (more than 50%) of members voting in favour to pass. The Registered Clubs Act is the appropriate governance standard for all decisions on core property, and the Club’s Constitution should not be changed. Members are urged to vote AGAINST the resolution.
- The proposed Special Resolution seeks to change the definition of a Special Resolution in our Constitution. The result of this proposed change is Special Resolutions would only be voted on by those present in person at a meeting. This has the effect of denying members the opportunity to attend and vote online should they wish to do so, and these are rights that are currently be available under both the Corporations Act and the Registered Clubs Act. Any change to the Club’s Constitution that limits the lawful rights of members to attend meetings virtually and vote online is both patently unfair to those members who cannot attend meetings in person, and very bad governance. Members are urged to vote AGAINST the resolution if they want to preserve these lawful rights for all members.
- As noted above the proposed change in the definition of Special Resolution means our Club would not be able to hold a virtual meeting or allow online voting on any Special Resolution. Section 30C of the Registered Clubs Act specifically requires that a Club must allow persons to attend meetings and vote in person or via electronic means. Creating a situation where the Club Constitution directly conflicts with the requirements of the Registered Clubs Act is very bad governance. Members are urged to vote AGAINST the resolution.
We ask all eligible voting members to please take the time to attend the meeting if you can, either in person or online, or register your vote if you cannot attend.
It is very important that all voting members have a say on these proposed changes to the Club’s Constitution.
Members may vote in person at the Club at the General Meeting, or via an online portal. The Board has arranged an online portal for member’s safety and convenience, in line with Covid-19 health best practice and in accordance with Corporations Act and Registered Clubs Act provisions.
Online voting opened at 2pm on Wednesday 19th January and will be closed during the General Meeting of Oatlands Golf Club Limited on Wednesday 2nd February at the call of the Chairman.
Yours Sincerely
George Isaac
Club President
On Behalf of the Board of Directors of Oatlands Golf Club
From the Course
Rainfall for the Week: 23.5mm, Rainfall for 2022: 145.0mm Dam: 100% Green Speed: 9.5 feet
With the course staff numbers almost back to normal, the team has been able to have a very productive week with the course in great condition heading into the finals of the club championship matchplay, and work on the bunker rejuvenation program also starting up again this week.
Growth regulator herbicide was applied to green and bunker surrounds on Monday which now means all surfaces of the course have been treated except for rough lines between trees, and tee complexes. The growth regulator herbicide slows the vertical growth of the turf which means the mowers are cutting less grass off each time they mow which improves the playing surfaces and the general appearance of surfaces. With the staff numbers back to normal, the team has been able to groom the course this week, with all areas being mown twice during the week, with the 2nd cut cutting very little grass but helping to remove the leftover grass clippings from the initial cut earlier in the week.
Mother Nature has also been playing her part this week with some favourable weather being presented so far. Greens were allowed to dry out on Monday with some warmer temperatures but required staff to hand water isolated areas on greens that fell below our desired moisture levels. The rain on Wednesday was good soaking rain as it fell lightly over an extended period. Ideal temperatures are predicted for Friday and Saturday which will enable little to no irrigation of greens until Saturday night. This will ensure firm and faster putting surfaces for the finals on Saturday, without any harm to our putting surfaces.
The whipper snippers have been out everyday this week trimming around tree bases, tombstones, distance posts on fairways, creeks, ponds, and finishing the fairway sprinkler heads that the volunteers started on Monday. All Zoysia bunker edges have now been trimmed, and weeds have been removed from all the shelled out bunkers as well.
The bunker rejuvenation program started up again on Monday with the lining of the RHS 8th bunker started. The warm 33oC day made this work unbearable during the middle of the day, as the cloth lining reflects the heat. Staff welfare brought this work to a halt for the day, with the lining of this bunker to continue into next week.
Our volunteers were on course on Monday morning, performing a bunker run before the competition, edging pathways, trimming suckers from tree bases, repairing/ replacing/ removing tree guards, trimming fairway sprinkler heads and clubhouse maintenance. Thank you, gentlemen! Your efforts are always appreciated by the course team and your fellow members.
This weekend greens will be cut and rolled on Saturday, with only dew being removed from them on Sunday.
Enjoy the Weekend!
The Course Team.
Covid-19 Update
The status of Covid-19 in NSW is well documented in the media and has changed significantly in the last month.
This will be the last Enews update on Covid-19 unless there is a significant chnage to the state of affairs, however, we will continue to provide daily updates on any impacted aspect of the Clubs operation via the Members News section on the homepage of the website, direct sms to booked polayers when changes are required, and member wide email if changes are in effect for more than a day.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Clubs General Manager, gm@oatlandsgolf.com.au.
The health and safety of our members, guests and staff remain our highest priority and will be reflected in all decisions made.
Clarification of the Rules of Golf updated 2019
Golfers who have played competition golf since before 1st January 2019 would be aware that the Rules of Golf were significantly simplified as of that date.
Since that time, there have been minor modifications to the Rules of Golf.
Oatlands Golf Club is very fortunate to have one of the countries most accredited rules officials among its membrship, John Bowring.
John has recently provided the Club with the summary of changes from 2019 which was updated on 1st December 2021, and includes notes with dates additions were made and what those additions are. Please click the attachment below to view the summary.
Click here for Clarifications of the 2019 Rules of Golf – December 2021 – FINAL
We thank John for his ongoing contribution.
Members Only Facebook Group
The Club’s Members Only Facebook Group has been in operation for almost 7 months and has 233 OGC members that have joined.
This social media platform allows members to engage with each other and with the Club, in addition to the traditional communication channels already in place.
To join the Members Only Facebook Group please click on the link below and the click on the “JOIN GROUP” button. You will be asked a few questions to verify you are a member and then approved by the group administrator shortly thereafter.
OGC Paint & Sip – Sunday 20th February
Join us for an afternoon paint and sip session
$75 ticket includes 2 hours of painting, grazing board and a drink on arrival
Book on the booking sheet or by calling reception