Oatlands Enews – Friday 17th December 2021
This week’s Enews covers the following topics:
- From the Course
- Member Requisition for a General Meeting of Oatlands Golf Club Limited
- Christmas and New Year Trading
- 2021 Mixed Foursomes Champions – Linda Gyzen & Rowan Easterbrook
- Easing of Covid Restrictions as of 15th December
- Members Only Facebook Group
- Guest Access extended to include Monday Competition Timesheets
- Annual Presentation Dinner 2021 – Saturday 22nd January 2021
- Christmas Seafood Pre-Order
From the Course
Rainfall for the Week: 14.0mm, Rainfall for 2021: 1063.0mm Dam: 100% Green Speed: 9.5 feet
It’s been another extremely busy week for the team this week with plenty of work being performed outside of our routine maintenance works with some warm weather also thrown into the mix.
The task of replacing the herbicide affected turf which we have been undertaking over the past 4 weeks has been completed this week, with new Zoysia being laid around the three remaining bunkers on the 5th hole, with some couch turf also laid to replace the worn collar on the left hand side of the green. The Zoysia turf we laid 3 weeks ago around the 3rd and 7th bunkers has now taken root and had its first cut today when the team were mowing all bunker surrounds.
The process of replacing this turf has taken staff away from the bunker rejuvenation project, but it’s been required to ensure the Zoysia has a few good months of favourable growing conditions before the weather cools down. Now that this task is out of the way, the team can refocus on the bunker project and continue the lining and filling of sand in these bunkers in the new year. As I have mentioned previously, we aim to complete the lining, drainage, and filling of sand at a rate of one bunker per week. We still have 11 bunkers to complete for this year’s stage, so members should expect all these bunkers to be completed around April which is earlier than last year with more bunkers completed in this year’s stage, and with all the surrounding Zoysia very well established before Winter.
The high traffic area on the right hand side of the 1st green has been a constant complaint over many years. The addition of an automatic sprinkler in this area a few years ago has helped this area cope with the traffic, but it has never been able to fully grow over or into all the worn sections. This week the team has rotary hoed this area, added dirt to blend this area into the existing green surrounds, and the added an ideal growing medium so that the new couch that is laid will be able to withstand the high traffic that it will be exposed to. In addition to this work, we will also be installing the green protective mesh over this new couch where all carts will be directed to over to gain access to the path to the 2nd tee. The new turf will be laid early next week and be open for cart traffic towards the end of the week.
The team is in the process of hanging all our fly traps around the course again to reduce the annoyance of these little black things.
This weekend greens will be cut on Saturday and cut and rolled on Sunday.
Enjoy the weekend!
The Course Team.
Member Requisition for a General Meeting of Oatlands Golf Club Limited
On Monday 13th December, the Board of Oatlands Golf Club, received a request signed by 65 requisitioning members, calling for a General Meeting of Oatlands Golf Club Limited to consider a Resolution to make a series of changes to the Clubs Constitution.
Clause 78 of the Club Constitution states;
“The Board may whenever it thinks fit convene a General Meeting and it shall, on request of not less than 5% of or 50 (whichever is lesser) members of the Club having at the date of the deposit of the request at the Office of the Club a right to vote at General meetings of the Club, within 21 days proceed to convene a General Meeting of the Club to be held as soon as practicable, but in any case not later than 2 months after the deposit of the request”.
As the request made by the requisitioning members meets the above criteria, the Board have determined to hold a General Meeting on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 at 6pm. We regard that as the most suitable date as members who may be away on holiday in January are likely to be back in early February.
A Notice of Meeting, including the detail of the Resolution to be put to members for a vote, and the members’ statement included with the requisition, will be forwarded to all voting members next week.
Christmas and New Year Trading
With the festive season upon us, members are advised of the Club trading times through the holiday period.
Golf Course: Normal Operation (Closed Christmas Day)
Clubhouse: Normal Operation (Closed Christmas Day)
Catering: Normal Operation (Sandwich Closed 26th, 27th, 28th December and 3rd January. Blackboard menu available on these days)
Administration Office: Closed 25th December – 7th January inclusive
2021 Mixed Foursomes Champions – Linda Gyzen & Rowan Easterbrook
The 2021 Mixed Foursomes Championship took place on Sunday 12th December with Linda Gyzen and Rowan Easterbrook defending their 2020 title with a 36 hole gross score of 154.
The 36 hole nett event was won by Debbie Jepson and Lawrence Robertson with a score of 143.
Easing of Covid Restrictions as of 15th December
The NSW Health restrictions and Public Health Orders saw the easing of restrictions on 15th December, particularly relating to the differentiation between vaccinated and unvaccinated rights and mask wearing.
At every juncture of restrictions being imposed or eased, the Club has followed the guidance of NSW Health, Clubs NSW and Golf NSW.
The primary change to the Public Health Orders that came into effect on 15th December, as they relate to Oatlands Golf Club operations, are as follows;
- Masks: It is no longer compulsory to wear a mask inside the Clubhouse or Pro Shop.
- Vaccination Status: There is no longer a differentiation of course or clubhouse access subject to vaccination status.
While the Club has maintained its policy of following the Public Health Orders, there does appear to be a level of contradiction between the Public Health Orders and the messaging from NSW Health in the media, particularly given the recent spike in cases. As such, we encourage members to take all steps they deem as appropriate to limit the spread of Covid, including but not limited too;
- Getting vaccinated, including booster shots – At last count, the members vaccination rate was at 97%
- Continue to wear masks whenever and wherever you feel more comfortable doing so
- Continue to be diligent with personal hygiene and social distancing
The Club will continue to review policy regarding Covid health measures in line with Public Health Orders and case numbers and advise of any changes as they occur.
Members Only Facebook Group
The Clubs Members Only Facebook Group has been in operation for almost 6 months and has 233 OGC members that have joined.
This social media platform allows members to engage with each other and with the Club, in addition to the traditional communication channels already in place.
To join the Members Only Facebook Group please click on the link below and the click on the “JOIN GROUP” button. You will be asked a few questions to vary you are a member and then approved by the group administrator shortly thereafter.
Guest Access extended to include Monday Competition Timesheets
Following the recent meeting of the Match Committee, the Club will now allow members to bring guests in the Monday competition.
This means that members can now invite guests on the following days and timesheets;
Social Timesheets
- 7 Days / week
Competition Timesheets
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Friday
The Match Committee will continue to review timesheet demand with the objective of allowing members to invite guests in the majority of non-trophy event timesheets at the earliest opportunity.
Annual Presentation Dinner 2021 – Saturday 22nd January 2021
The 2021 Annual Presentation Dinner will be held on Saturday 22nd January following the final of the Men’s Club Championships.
This event has been pushed back in line with the postponement of the Club Championships following the recent Covid restrictions and subsequent impact on our golfing programme.
We recognise that many members will be away during this time, however, hope to see as many members and their guests in attendance as possible to recognise the trophy winners from 2021 along with our 50 and 60 year members. Bookings are available via the online timesheet on the Club’s website.
Christmas Seafood Pre-Order
Email Karah to put in your pre-order (clubhouse@oatlandsgolf.com.au)
Pick up Christmas Eve between 11-5pm